You know that pair of socks I was so excited about yesterday? They got frogged because a needle fell out and they got totally screwed up. And I unfortunatly was unable to save them, so they died. Oh well, I'll start again some other time when I'm not wanting to throw the needles across the room. Chocolate and Everybody Loves Raymond is excellent for ridding yourself of stress, and depression, and lonliness. If it could find me a man too, chocolate would be the most perfect food on the planet! You never realize how pathetic your existance is until you've dove into your closet looking for the perfect outfit for the first date that doesn't exsist. But I now know exactly what I'll wear for my first date, if I ever get a date ever again. Me, the hermit lady who knows no one in Florida except for my female classmates and the cute guy that sits next to me. It's kind of sad actually, I'm lusting after the guy that sits in the next row over in class, and I think he's spoken once in class, and it wasn't to me. But whatever, it'll pass, it always does. I wish I was home, there I had a cute guy in the back room at work that was a potential. Even if I did hate his sister in high school. I was working really hard on the guy, had him speaking in full sentances and everything! As all women out there know, full sentances is a real accomplishment, usually we get single syllable words and grunts. A full sentance is rare, and a lot of charm and coaxing went into getting it. All men reading this, speak in full sentances, we're a different gender, not species. Women want to assume you're smart, but "Yea, Naw, and Huh" are not good words to use to prove us right. If you want to be known as an idiot with no social skills, be my guest, go for the mono syllable, if you want her to be interested...Talk like a person. Anyway, enough ranting about men. See what happens when I have to frog my sock yet again! Not good, not good at all. Until tomorrow, goodnight