Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Friday, September 30, 2005


OMG yall, I so went on a date last night!! Sure, it was just sitting around talking, but it was in person!!! I had a conversation, in person, with someone that i'm not related to or in school with!! Momentus occasion, that I can't tell my mom about yet, because i met him online. And she disapproves of online dating. But I'm working on that slight little problem, hopefully will have a solution here soon.
Knitting update; I have officially started the heel flap on my sock and will begin to turn the heel in about 8 more rows, somewhere in there. I shortened the leg of the sock, it's supposed to be 7", but that is way too long, especially when you're sick of the yarn you're working with. So I decided that 4" would be much better, though now I'm starting to regret it. We'll see, either way, this is going to be a pair of socks with 4" legs. Avoiding the baby cardi for the day, the yarn is funky, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. And it's making the stitches uneven which is driving me insane!! And my beautiful sweater with the cabled pattern on the sleeve has sat on my desk for the past few weeks because i'm too lazy to panic over screw ups. But I promise that I will start working on it again, as soon as my socks are finished.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

This is a pic of me in Moroco at EPCOT, some people seem to think that I'm elderly. So I figured I'd post it to show that i'm obviously not. Posted by Picasa

All Better

I would like to apologize for my crazy lady post from yesterday, my day did improve after I posted. For one thing I managed to lift my writers block for about 20 mintues, just long enough to get some of my English done. So thats some pressure lifted. And I finally met mystery guy from online! He had to run down to the Wal Mart that is right down the road from us both, and I offered to meet him there. Since I wanted to meet him, and wanted to get out of the house too. It worked out well. He seems very nice and very sweet. But I knew that already just from talking to him. I almost got a hug out of the deal, but it was a little awkward since it was our first time meeting, and I'm shy around men I don't know well. And there was a guy waiting for my parking spot (which he didn't get, because I was in no hurry). Anyway, I pulled a major girl trick (men skip this part) and asked for help on a car issue. Ok, so I wanted him to help me with an antennae topper that I was fairly sure wouldn't go on. And true to form, it didn't. I would later fess up as did he about the hug thing. And for those of you who thought this was a knitting blog, I brought my sock to class yesterday to help calm my nerves before and after the test. I also started a little baby cardigan from a book I found in the library. This book has some of the most adorable patterns ever!! They are soo sweet. My adult cardigan is plodding along, both sleeves are starting to get long (and heavy) and I haven't even started increases yet. But I suppose its better than doing the each by themselves. Will post pictures as soon as i'm no longer ashamed of the lack of progress. :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Panic overtakes the planet

What I mean by that is of course my own personal planet being overtaken by the ever present emotion of panic. My A&P lab exam is over, check that off the ol panic list, but now i have about 6 assignments due by October 2 (or 4 i can't remember) none of which are done because i hate them all. And I have another A&P exam on Wednesday. One down, two to life kinda sucks right now. Ah the glamorous life of a college student, this one is sitting here in Care Bear pajama pants, tank top and oversized sweatshirt, doesn't that just sound fun? Oh, and did i mention that i'm still single? My life is so much fun right now, at least i have a good tan from going to the beach. Well, must go try to write stupid papers for English, which i wouldn't have to take again if i weren't a moron the other time.

Monday, September 26, 2005


I am searching for that perfect mitten pattern with absolutly pathetic luck. Maybe it's because the pattern gods are aware that i've moved to Florida, but Hello! Almost all of the people I know live in cold places and need hand knit mittens from me. My quest for the perfect mitten pattern must be suspended for a few days though, because I have my first A&P lab practical exam on Wednesday. So I'm going to go panic about it now, just thought I'd post while I had a few minutes between panic (I mean, study) sessions.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Guess who! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Quick Post

Ok, I may post twice today, please don't hold it against me. I'm just so excited that I think I'm going to explode if I don't get it out. That small conversation I was having online last post, turned out to be an all day affair. From 11 am to 10 pm we talked online. At around 10 he gave me his #, which i called after I hung up with my good friend. We talked on the phone for about another 2 hours!! I like this guy so far, he seems like the kind of guy I like to date. Hopefully he doesn't turn out to be an axe murderer or something like that. And hopefully he's sane, I can't take more drama in my life right now. But he seems very down to earth and sweet. And my sock is coming along just fine, for those that are curious. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow so you can see what I'm spending so much time whining about. More later.


I know, I know, I'm a glutton for punishment. But I'm trying the socks again. And if I have to rip these out again I'm giving up and going back to my poor neglected sweater. You know how last night I was ranting and raving about how I am alone and can't find a man that uses multi syllable words to have a conversation with? Well, I found one, or rather he found me. I posted another profile of myself on another personals site and right after it had been approved someone e-mailed me! We chatted on AIM for about 2 hours, and hopefully the conversation will continue another time. He seems to be very nice, very polite. But I'm going to try really hard not to get my hopes up. But I really want to meet this guy, at this point I'm willing to risk him being a maniac axe murderer, I just want some company other than my mother. Hopefully we'll meet sometime and we can talk in person. Ok, just needed to get that out, back to my sock.


You know that pair of socks I was so excited about yesterday? They got frogged because a needle fell out and they got totally screwed up. And I unfortunatly was unable to save them, so they died. Oh well, I'll start again some other time when I'm not wanting to throw the needles across the room. Chocolate and Everybody Loves Raymond is excellent for ridding yourself of stress, and depression, and lonliness. If it could find me a man too, chocolate would be the most perfect food on the planet! You never realize how pathetic your existance is until you've dove into your closet looking for the perfect outfit for the first date that doesn't exsist. But I now know exactly what I'll wear for my first date, if I ever get a date ever again. Me, the hermit lady who knows no one in Florida except for my female classmates and the cute guy that sits next to me. It's kind of sad actually, I'm lusting after the guy that sits in the next row over in class, and I think he's spoken once in class, and it wasn't to me. But whatever, it'll pass, it always does. I wish I was home, there I had a cute guy in the back room at work that was a potential. Even if I did hate his sister in high school. I was working really hard on the guy, had him speaking in full sentances and everything! As all women out there know, full sentances is a real accomplishment, usually we get single syllable words and grunts. A full sentance is rare, and a lot of charm and coaxing went into getting it. All men reading this, speak in full sentances, we're a different gender, not species. Women want to assume you're smart, but "Yea, Naw, and Huh" are not good words to use to prove us right. If you want to be known as an idiot with no social skills, be my guest, go for the mono syllable, if you want her to be interested...Talk like a person. Anyway, enough ranting about men. See what happens when I have to frog my sock yet again! Not good, not good at all. Until tomorrow, goodnight

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I started knitting my first pair of socks today. Well, actually it's my second attempt, but this time I'm not starting out with circular needles. This time I'm going to do the entire thing on dpn's. And this time I'm going to pick up the correct number of stitches around the heel. Knitting these socks is making me miss home more than is usual. For one thing I bought the yarn in my favorite lys at home before my family and I went on a trip. We were going to drive and I wanted something interesting to do in the car, so I decided to learn how to do socks. And for another, its wool yarn, not something I think I'll be needing here. So maybe I'll send them to Heather as a Christmas gift, and if Heather is reading this, pretend you didn't see that. My new favorite lys has a ton of gorgeous sock yarn in stock, so after I do this pair I want to make a pair with self patterning yarn. I think it'll be interesting to watch how it works. And yes, I am a geek. But knitting helps me forget how much I miss home, most of the time. My two sleeves are coming along beautifully. At first I was afraid that I was the biggest moron on the planet for trying to do two very intricately cabled sleeves at the same time, but I think it'll work out ok. At least they'll be the same length with the increases in the same places. That'll add some symmetry to the thing, hopefully. You never know, it is my first sweater. Dad update, my father is going to be staying in Michigan until October 14th now. He was supposed to come down at the end of this month, but the park service is keeping everyone longer. Which sucks for me, but it means that he's doing a good job. So anyway, got to get up way too early for a study group thingy. Night y'all.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunset over Lake Michigan Posted by Picasa

Evil Assignment

I hated that assignment so much, I'm dreading doing it again. I hate dissecting books chapter by chapter, it irritates me and makes me crazy. I've been a bundle of nerves all weekend, it's like PMS has come back to haunt me. But the dreaded assignment is done and submitted and I no longer give a rats behind what grade I get. I was considering not even submitting it, but decided that a low grade was better than no grade at all. So now I'm just trying to relax and listen to calming music and get rid of the headache that has been gaining strength since 4 pm. It's been a long weekend, emotional me is not a good thing. It just makes me long for home and realize how much I miss the landscapes of Michigan. Every time I close my eyes lately all I can see are the roads I used to drive every day. It's driving me ever so slightly insane. But it'll pass, it always does. I guess I'm just tired, and it doesn't help that my sleeve pattern is irritating me now also. Maybe I shouldn't knit when I'm stressed, it never seems to work out very well. Maybe sleep will help with the stress thing. Off to give it a try. Night all

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Panic Mode

It's officially offical, panic mode is here times 10! Apparently my evil teacher (and yes, he is evil I've discovered) wants us to read half a book and have taken notes on it. Since I read fast it's no biggie, just go find a book in the ol' stash right? Wrong, he has a freakin book list, and only those books can be read for the assignment. So I have to go and buy a book to read, and I'm chosing Girl, Interrupted. And not because I've seen the movie 30,000 times, but because I've actually peeked into it before and know I'll find it interesting. I'm about ready to flip out and have a well deserved panic attack. But I'll save it for midnight tomorrow when this evil assignment block will be gone. Ok, gotta go to Borders and get my book so I can start reading it, so I can start pretending that I don't understand a freakin thing I read so I can do his damn reading exersize all about plot points and asking questions. I HATE ACTIVE READING!!!! I absorb 99% of the book by reading it, I don't need to write out questions, or any other activity, and they just distract me. But I've got to do it, so I'll just grit my teeth and whine a lot. Wish me luck.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Ok, here's the sweater being modeled by the woman that designed it. See the sleeve? That's the cable that is the bane of my existance!! But I will conquer the sleeve if it kills me, or I'll get my grandma to do it for me. :) Posted by Picasa


I'm just going to type a quickie post because I am so tired I'm afraid I might collapese on my keyboard. I was up until 1:30 this morning writing several of my english comp papers and getting them out of the way. I managed to get the really big paper out of the way, and submitted it when I got up 8 hours later. Yay me! Anyway, I was knitting on the sleeve of the sweater I'm attempting when I realized that something is desperatly wrong with one side, I think I f**ked up the increases, which means I have to frog to the point of the F-up. Oh joy, oh rapture...oh my god I'm gonna scream. At least the Yankees ended up winning last night, that just makes it all better, not. But it does take some of the sting out of it, kind of. I realize my mistake though, so hopefully won't make it again this time around, or when it comes to knit the other sleeve. The cable pattern is quite complicated, which is why it's going to be a pain to rip out and replace onto my needles, but I'll give it a shot. Worst case scenario is that I have to frog the entire thing and start all over again. No biggie, it's only 1/3 of a detailed cabled sleeve and it's only my 5th attempt, *insert sob here*. Well, I'm going to head off to bed and try not to think about it. Good night all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Yankees Game

I got to go to another Yankees game, it was ok. The first 4 innings were actually quite boring, but then people started getting around the bases and scoring points. I don't know who won, I left early due to time issues, and got bored watching the rest on tv, so I opted for When Harry Met Sally. Quite possibly the best chick flick ever, except for Beaches maybe. If anyone in the audience is curious about the test in A&P that I was having a mental meltdown over on Monday and Tuesday, I got an 88. Not too bad, thank god. And I'm still avoiding my writing assignments, but no more, time to get my rear in gear and just get 'er done. I'm off to attempt that, if I don't post in a week, feel free to assume that they've killed me. :)

The Procrastination continues

I'm still avoiding writing anything for my english class, maybe because I'm just having too much fun gabbing at y'all. What ever my reason is, I'm sure its a good one. Wow, I'm procrastinating over and excuse to explain my procrastination issues, wow..thats low. Welcome to my world, kinda weird isn't it? I'm cursing at my iTunes right now, because it won't upload to my iPod, and I want it to. I wonder if I throw a massive hissy fit if it would work. Yeah, I hear ya, I don't think it will either. But it's about the only thing I can think of at this point, short of throwing it out the window. Which won't work either, because then I won't have the music that's already in there....what a dillema. Oh well, I'll recover eventually I suppose. I'm too busy being terrified about my test results (which will be back tomorrow in case y'all are wondering.) On the plus side, I'm going to a Yankees game tomorrow! They're playing the Devil Rays again, and rumour has it that the Rays have been kicking the Yankees behinds lately! So this should be a good game. Well, must jet off to look for the cat, she dissapeared while I was vacuuming (at 8:30 pm, consider it revenge on the irritating people downstairs.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Procrastinating, if there is ever a word in the english language that I genuinly hate it is that one. Yet I am a master at it, which is why I haven't posted in like 3 days. But it's time to bite the bullet and post again, who cares if my bag attempt flopped at the strap, or that my sweater sleeve increases are wrong? We must overcome!! Ok, now that I'm done with that, I've been incrediably busy all weekend. Busch Gardens for Friday and Saturday, and the beach for Sunday (and the backs of my legs are sunburnt...owwww). School today, first test in A&P. Needless to say, I was absolutly terrified. So much so that I forgot most of what I had down absolutly perfect last night. Hopefully I did ok, thats the problem with 50 question tests, you can only miss a few questions and still get a decent score. 200 questions is more my style, that way I can miss 12 or 13 and still get in the upper 90% range. Oh well, my fate is still 2 days away, meanwhile I'm just trying not to panic. The not panicing thing isn't working very well by the way, anyone out there got a sedetive (just kidding, please no comments on the evils of medication)? Anyway, back to knitting, I have this interesting lime green acrylic yarn that I'm trying to come up with something for. I want to make a little doggy sweater out of it for my good friends yorkie (see the little blue fuzz ball picture), but can't find a pattern yet. Wish me luck, I'm going to resume my search for the perfect dog sweater pattern.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Me with Hanna, someone I consider to be (and spoil like she is) my niece. She has a brother too (see one of first photo posts) but as he was 3 when this was taken, he wasn't at school with her. Posted by Picasa

My favorite moron proving that he can pick me up (male egos, gotta love 'em). And yes, that is a wedding band on his hand, and no he's not married to me (thank you god). Posted by Picasa

evil sweater

Allright, so the sweater isn't actually evil, it just feels that way sometimes. I'm attempting another pattern, I've lusted after it for 3 months now and have finally decided I wanted to try it. Well, I'm on my 5th try right now and am ready to cut the cord and let my grandmother knit it for me. I'm absolutly ill over it though, I've gotten further on this attempt than any other. I was really hoping that the 5th time would be the charm...apparently not. My increases are screwed up and I have no clue how to fix them. I know nobody else would probably ever notice that the increases on the back of my sleeve are messed up, but I would know. I think I'm going to keep going for a little bit more, I've gone this far, and I'm too proud of my cables to kill them. It's going to be an amazing sleeve, if I can get it to work. Wish me luck y'all, I need all the help I can get.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

mini vacation

Since we both had Monday and Tuesday off, my mom and I went to Discovery cove and Downtown Disney. I've been to Downtown Disney a million and one times, but I'd never been to Discovery Cove. And it was so amazing! I'll have pictures back in about a week, hopefully. So now that it's Wednesday, back to class...yay, not. And also because it's Wednesday, it's lab and lecture, double the trouble. Hopefully they've fixed the a/c in our lecture room. And for those of you who want the knitting update on the pretty bag, i started the strap/sides before I left for my mini vacation, and promptly got mad at the directions and ripped it out. But I'll start again later when my bacji comes down in about a month. She'll help me, maybe. I did whip her butt in Gin Rummy on the other day. I think she enjoyed a worthy opponent, it's not often that she loses. I just woke up, so I'm going to go make coffee and relax before I have to majorly get my butt in gear. Have a nice day y'all.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Just figured I'd post a picture of something interesting before I crawl into bed. I'm going to assume that you can figure out what that is, and if you don't post something about the pic and I'll explain what it is. And yes, that is a real picture, my mother took it about 8 years ago. Posted by Picasa

I dunno

I hate coming up with titles for e-mails, blog posts, written papers, name it. My creativity doesn't extend that far for some reason...unsolved mystery. Anyways, went shopping with dear old mum today, found killer jeans at Marshalls! That rocked, got 3 pairs of them that I'll probably only wear rarely, well, maybe more. I'm a jeans junkie, I love 'em and wear them even if it's 90 degrees outside and I'm so hot that I want to pass out. Why? Well, for one I like the way my butt looks in them, 2: everything is so airconditioned that I freeze in shorts and 3: it means that I don't have to shave my legs (all you women out there, you get that one.) A rather gross sounding truth, it's the same reason men grow beards in the winter, so they don't have to shave every morning, and winter affords an excuse (no offense, I have nothing against beards, my dad has one), well, in Michigan it does. But enough about beards and shaved legs...moving on, to something that I haven't decided yet. I think I'm going to quit while I'm ahead (not that I'm sure I'm ahead, but I can hope can't I?) and go to sleep now so my cat can harass me all night.

Yay..people out there

Hooray! Finally, someone has read my posts and commented on them! Oh joy, oh rapture, oh man am I sore from working out too hard, my little victory arm raising just reminded me of that...oops. I finished the first front panel of my bag last night, but am procrastinating on starting the second, a sudden fear of blocking and seaming has overtaken my desire to knit the thing to completion...must find chocolate, and then someone who knows what on earth they're doing. Tried to explain to a non knitting parent what on earth I was trying to create, she just stared at me and I could see her eyes physically start to glaze over. But it's ok, at this point I consider it revenge for every fabric swatch I had to ooh and ahh over, and there's a lot so it's going to take a while to even us out. Lets see, what else is going on..dissected a rat today in A&P lab, well, i watched anyway. And for all of you animal lovers out there that are outraged at the prospect of cutting an animal open to study it's insides keep this in mind; it's college, not high school, there is no avoiding it or you fail. Anyways...went to see Brothers Grimm tonight, it was ok, had good beginning and good ending, the middle got a bit slow, but Heath Ledger just makes it so worthwhile, kind of. Well all, though you know I love chatting to myself to you I'm tired (early lab, it's Wednesday) and sore (thats what I get for working out too hard) I'm going to call it a night.

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