Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Finished Object

Here they are folks, the socks I knit for my bfs mother for mothers day. They were knit on a 12" size 2 circular needle with Austermann Step yarn. This yarn is awesome, it's infused with Aloe and Jojoba (I can't spell that, sorry if its wrong) oils and is as soft as can be. I really had to remind myself of how much i like the recipient, because these socks felt soo good on my feet that i didn't want to give them away.

These are my mom's mothers day gift, notice how they're still not quite done. These are made with Opal Flamingo on a 12" size 3 circular. Notice that the unfinished sock is almost done...all that knitting took place yesterday/last night. This sock has caused a whopping case of SSS (second sock syndrome) for me. For some reason I couldn't seem to get my rear in gear to finish the 7 rows of heel flap that were left so i could start the foot. Last night I apparently fell in love with them again, and now i'm regretting telling my mom that they are hers....a natural reaction i think.

But that's ok, because these two projects are for me, they will be mine all mine, and i'm not sharing. Out of the 6 pairs of socks i've knit this year guess how many are in my drawer...go on, take a guess. None! Thats right, not one freakin pair, its my turn to have warm feet (and don't make that noise, wool socks are great for the subzero air conditioning.)

This lovely bright yarn is Chameleon by Opal, i have a feeling it'll knit up like the Flamingo did, only with bright green and blue instead of pink. This yarn is the reason i can give up the Flamingo socks that have sucked so much out of me. Plus I don't have the pink scrubs to go with the pink socks the way that my mom does.

My attempt at decent dpn knitting, it seems to be working so far. I love love love this yarn, the colors are gorgeous and the striping pattern sadly keeps me entertained. These are also for me, hopefully the incentive of warm feet will keep me from frogging them 20 times.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Cold Feet

Literally, my feet are freezing. Maybe it's time to bestow sock love upon myself. An idea which is conveniently timed with my somewhat reluctant admittance that i do need to master dpns. So far so good, there is no weird line running up the leg of my sock where the needles switch. And if there were, what do you think my odds would be of passing it off as a weird little design quirk? I'm just hoping they will fit, if not they're getting shipped up to MI as a christmas gift for someone with skinnier legs than I. Moms mother day socks aren't done yet ( I'm on the heel flap though), and loving bf only has 1/4 sock. I've got probably (don't know for sure, tape measure lost again) 5.5 inches done on the leg of the first sock. My English teacher is fascinated by my knitting, particularly my dpn socks, wonder if i can squeeze some extra credit out of it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What was I thinking?

Oh my goodness, I must be insane. I'm working on the poor second sock that got sacrificed to get the socks for Michigan done. I hope to have it done by mothers day, along with another sock to go with the one i've knit for my loving bfs mother, also for mothers day. And when I'm finished with those two I'm considering starting a pair of black dress socks for afore mentioned bf. Yikes, I'm in sock hell and can't see any real way out. I've also started a baby blanket for the children i don't plan to have for years and years...but i figure it'll take me longer than 9 months to finish one, so i had better start early. And all of this in the midst of trying to pack up the apartment i've lived in for almost 9 months (who knew my mom, dad and I had so much crap?) to be moved into our new townhome on Wednesday!! Anyone got a good way out of this mess? Pictures in next post, i promise.

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