Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My finished (if not yet felted) fuzzy feet out on the back porch soaking up the Florida sunshine. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Black Hole of Knitting

I may have made the slight strategical error of offending the beautiful red wool that I'm making my fuzzy foot out of, because I have suddenly been sucked into the black hole of knitting. I knit rows and rows and the thing stubbornly stays 8.5 inches. It needs to be 9 before i start decreases, needless to say...i'm rather frustrated now. Hopefully it'll get better ( I don't think it could get worse) and because it is Thanksgiving, I'm going to revel in the fact that i've already made one, and the toe doesn't look like it was grafted by a primate!! We're movin on up (i'm referring to me and my knitting skills, not the jeffersons). The second one is just about poetry in knitting, to my mind anyway. The gussett decreases are much neater as is the heel turn. All I can say is that I'm really glad these are being felted, so nobody will notice that one is much better than the other..oops, did I say that. Good thing slippers can't read, otherwise my completed one would come up with some death wish for itself. Must begin second doggy sweater, my friend's poor Yorkie is freezing and must have cute purple verigated thingy to send to keep her warm. Oh, in computer new, I have my computer back, my iTunes is perfectly perfect, and my loving (and talented) bf installed a tv card and a dvd rom for the thing. So now I can watch tv on my computer! How cool is that? But it gets better, I have a remote too! So I can lay in bed and watch tv on my computer and change channels, I can even turn the computer off from the remote. Technology is too fun.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And here's one of him talking on the phone with his 2 year old nephew (who is sooo adorable). Sorry the kiddo has red eye, haven't gotten around to editing these yet, but I will eventually, when the tree trunk knitting needles from hell allow me to finish my fuzzy feet. Posted by Picasa

I haven't posted a pic of me with my bf yet because I wanted to make sure that he didn't mind. He doesn't and was a little shocked when he found out that there wasn't one up yet. So here it is, taken sometime in October. Posted by Picasa


I hate my size 10.5 dpns more than anything I have ever hated before. In the first place they have no nice pointy edge, they are blunter than blunt with a little point on the end, like the people making them didn't trim them correctly. In the second place they're plastic, which normally is ok, but these just suck. And lastly, it's like trying to knit with freakin telephone poles, they are almost a Foot long!!!! They are the longest dpns that i have ever seen, and i'm down to 13 stitches, and it's nearly impossible to manage 4 of the things. On the plus side, being down to so few stitches means that i'm almost done and can being grafting the toe and casting on for the other one. But before I get to this point on the other one I may need to find some metal 10.5's. My computer has finally arrived, which means that I can stop using mom's all the time. The slight little problem is that it isn't hooked up yet, but it will be tonight when loving bf comes over to get everything all set up for me. God I love a man who can do the electronic stuff, like hooking up computers, vcr's, dvd players, stereos, just gives me the warm and fuzzies. Yes, I know, I need a hobby.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I realize that this is my second post in like 2 hours, but something tragic has happened, I have had to frog the freakin slipper yet again!!!!! This is the 2nd time folks, the second time that I have screwed up the toe decreases and had to rip out. And because I am a colossal dumbass and got confused and ended up dropped 3/4 of the stitches i was trying to pick back up I ripped up to the heel flap again. But if it's worth doing it's worth doing right...i guess. I don't know why the yarn has it in for me, maybe it's heard that i'm going to intentionally throw it in the washer to meld its fibers together to make beautiful fuzzy feet slippers, or maybe it's just pissed that it's not sunny and nice outside like it's supposed to be in FL, either way, i've offended it somehow and must come up with a way to repent before it sets itself on fire or something equally dramatic.

Step Away From the Wool and Nobody Gets Hurt

I'm being oddly possesive of this particular projects worth of yarn, I don't want anyone else to touch it's beautiful christmas redness. I'm also terrified that instead of the beautiful blunted toe as seen in the pattern will end up looking appropriate for one of Santa's little helpers again. Can I see a picture of an amataur fuzzy foot please? That way I can know if I'm just following the directions to get screwed up results alone, or if there are a group of us. The foot of this still looks impossibly long. And I've been knitting the thing so long now that I have to sit here and stare at the decreases to see if it's a knit or decrease round...even though I just finished either knitting all the way around or decreasing. I'm losing my mind slowly but surely. It was bound to happen sooner or later I suppose. But I'm keeping this thing on my circs for as long as is earthly possible, I hate (and I'm using the word Hate here) the size 10.5 dpns I purchased at my LYS. They're impossibly long and the ends are sooo blunt that it's hard to work with them. But I am determined, nothing is going to keep me from fuzzy foot bliss. They will both be done and felted before thanksgiving, so I can bring them to my grandma's house and say "see, look what I did all by myself, you suck!!" Ok, so maybe not say that, but I'll be thinking it, after the dog sweater fiasco where she acted like I've never picked up knitting needles and ended up making most of the damn thing for me. It's not my fault I've never knit a real sweater, doggie or otherwise. My poor bf (who is coming home tonight instead of tomorrow..YAY!!) has officially figured me out. He and I were talking online last night, and instead of asking what i was doing he said "still knitting on the slipper eh?" I guess my reply's weren't coming very fast, which is usually a sure indication as to my knitting activity. If i could figure out how to type well with my toes...well, not going there. And will someone please explain to me where the time has been going the last two days??? One minute it's never going to be noon and the next second I look at the clock and it almost is. Help!!!


I realize that this is my second post in like 2 hours, but something tragic has happened, I have had to frog the freakin slipper yet again!!!!! This is the 2nd time folks, the second time that I have screwed up the toe decreases and had to rip out. And because I am a colossal dumbass and got confused and ended up dropped 3/4 of the stitches i was trying to pick back up I ripped up to the heel flap again. But if it's worth doing it's worth doing right...i guess. I don't know why the yarn has it in for me, maybe it's heard that i'm going to intentionally throw it in the washer to meld its fibers together to make beautiful fuzzy feet slippers, or maybe it's just pissed that it's not sunny and nice outside like it's supposed to be in FL, either way, i've offended it somehow and must come up with a way to repent before it sets itself on fire or something equally dramatic.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Fuzzy Feet Disaster

Oh my goodness, you don't know the meaning of the word frustrated until you've knit totally adorable, gigantic socks, only to get to the very end and see that they look like something one of Santa's elves would like. Here's the kicker, you've already cut the end of your yarn in anticipation of grafting the toe....arrghhh!!!! What's a girl to do? One word, ribbit. Yup, I had to rip almost all of it out, all the way to the beginning of the heel turn. This time I'm not going to f**k it up though, I am determined. No more, "oh well, i forgot to do one knit row between decreases on the gussett" for me, no sir. This time I'm doing every singe damn knit row between degreases, and keeping very careful track of everything else that could possibly screw up my fuzzy feet before i intentionally throw them in the washer (which is gonna hurt, even if it is a vital part of the process). And I'm procrastinating on my english hw, I just don't want to do it, but must get ass in gear and just get 'er done. Otherwise I'll fail and I'll no longer have to worry about a pesky little thing called breathing. Tomorrow is going to be a loong day, not only is it the day before my bf comes home, its the day before my english hw is due...can we say "she's screwed?" All together now, you can do it. Yet I will keep on knitting my lovely fuzzy feet, because the color is sooo beautiful that I can't help it, I have to finish these before Sunday. The world as I know it will end if I don't. Or at least that's how i justify it in my mind. My hands may never be the same after this, but my feet will sure be warm.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Panic consumes the planet...again

Have I mentioned to y'all that I really, really, really hate studying for A&P? Come to think of it, I pretty much hate studying for anything, but I really hate doing it for A&P. Wanna know the best part? I have a whole 'nother section of the class to take yet!! I registered to take the second half today, aren't I just the luckiest person on the planet? No, I don't think so either, for this week anyway. I left the pattern for the doggie sweater I would like to finish some day at my grandmothers house on Monday, thank goodness I know how to finish it (like it's hard), but I can't start another one until I get the pattern. But since I don't have 16" size 6 circulars or size 6 dpns, i can't finish it anyway, it doesn't really matter. And I gained what feels like 20 pounds while dog sitting for my grandma, while my bf has apparently lost about that much. Great, he loses 20 pounds and they attach themselves to my ass instead, how kind of them. Remind me to not eat for the rest of the week so I can get back to my flabby, but less so than now, self. Oh well, he'll just have to love me how I am, if he loves me like this then he's not goin anywhere anytime soon. I may even let him have the hat I found half finished in one of my various knitting bags that are strewn about in my closet. I have to invest in size 9 dpns before I can fully finish it, but it'll look good on him. I'd post pics of the sweet baby hats i had made, but mom snatched them and brought them to work with her to give away. Oh well, next one I make I promise to share a picture of it.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

design 101

Ok, is there some class i can take where someone can teach me how to make a hat without a pattern? Here's the key, it actually has to look like a hat when it's finished. I'm trying to figure out the right number to have for a baby hat, my first attempt is too small, the one i'm working on now is about the right size for my bf's 2 year old nephew, which is who is going to end up getting it. I was trying to make a baby hat for the grandbaby of a woman in my study group, i'll try again once the 2 year old had is done. I'm doing all of this knitting to keep myself so busy that maybe i'll forget that my bf is gone, and that i miss him so much i can't breathe. It's kind of working, but i'm still counting down until next Sunday. Oh well, we'll both live, seperation is good for a relationship sometimes. But he's getting the biggest hug and kiss the minute i see him again.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Cutest Hat Ever

While stranded at my grandmothers house for this whole week, i found the most adorable baby hat pattern ever!! I'll post pics of it asap, but for now y'all just will need to take my word for it. I'm at my grandmothers house for this week because she and her boyfriend went on a cruise, which means that for a whole week, I'm within 15 minutes of the school i only attend twice a week. Oh well, at least it gets me out of the apartment, but it's been bad for my waistline. Good thing I haven't seen a whole lot of my loving bf, because I know he doesn't care, but it bothers me. Actually, I really miss him, and its even worse because he's upstate hunting right now. And he won't be back until next Sunday, and I haven't seen him since the 8th (our 1 month anniversery) when he came up to see me. It's gonna be a loong 12 days, but it gives me a chance to ditch the spare tire that has taken up residence around my middle while i've been alone (eating out every day). And I've decided to start some basic training with her dog, to have something to do. We're working on not dragging me around the block, and sitting and staying. Well, I'm going to work on my hat now, I want to get a few finished so mom can give them out at work.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I can't believe I accidentally published the same entry twice, sorry to the 2 people out there that read my posts, must have been caught up in fuzzy feetness. A&P has me stressed yet again, but i think mom and dad might be getting off of my case about school in the near future, since I showed them my English grades thus far. They're quite happy about them, so maybe I can get out of the doghouse for a while, maybe. Made a mitten for Hanna, note that i said that i made A mitten, not a set of them. I'm workin on it, "school comes first". You know it's bad when your bf starts in on you about it too, but he's just as bad as I am, and we both know it. My CNA test is Saturday, and I'm trying to figure out what in the hell I'm going to do with my grandma's dog while I'm out taking the thing. I think I'll just bite the bullet and get up early and drive in from her house, even though it'll suck and i'm going straight back to her house to sleep when i'm done. But coffee is a beautiful thing, so I'll just stop at 7-11 or a gas station or something and get the biggest coffee they sell. I'm nervous about the test, as always. I think I do better when I'm terrified. Oh well, back to studying for me, just wanted to fix my goof up.

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