Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Fuzzy Feet

I'm debating as to whether or not i want to try making fuzzy feet slippers, I may have to try it just for the hell of it. We shall see. My normal sock is going well, the foot part takes forever, and ever, and ever. But I will conquer, in time to make the other one. Alas, I have run out of humor for the day, I blame it on my night last night. Baby-sitting for your boyfriends nephews usually goes better when his MOTHER doesn't tag along!!! And no, I'm not kidding. I like his mom, I really do, I like her almost more than I do my own, but tagging along while he and I are supposed to be baby-sitting.....not good. I've been baby-sitting forever, I think I can handle a two year old and a 5 month old, especially with just one other person there. I can do it alone, I can really do it with someone else there for pitys sake. Hopefully next time we'll be flying solo. It was awkward for him too, he didn't have anything to do between me and his mom. Poor guy, I actually feel bad for him. We really didn't need to be there, she could have handled it alone, and he could have gotten to bed a little earlier (4:30 am is not a good time to wake up when your sleep deprived) and I could have stayed home. But it was still fun, I just hope she isn't always like this. Ok, I'm going to branch out into something a tad bit different, hopefully it'll work.

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
15% Yankee
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Dixie
0% Midwestern

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What Was I Thinking??

Remember my last post on how my dad was home and I was sooo excited? Remember that? Well, I take it back, all of it. Can you send fathers in to the return department? He's driving me crazy with the same stuff that drove me crazy before. Like assuming everything in the house that isn't his and looks girly belongs to me! 9 times out of 10 he's dead wrong and I end up shuffling mom's crap all over trying to get her to put it away. Basically I think his theory is that if something is laying around it must be mine, because his wife never, ever clutters up the counter (ya, right, sure). This is the reason I must move out, which is the reason why I must pass my CNA test on next Saturday, so I can get a freakin job instead of lounging around like the lazy college student I am. Nothing like typing your blog in your pajama top and underwear at almost 10:30 in the morning because you have nowhere else to go, and your disgustingly motivated father went to the gym. He'll be back shortly though, there's nothing in their gym here, it's kind of sad. Not even a TV in one of them, so you just have to improvise. But you have to stop singing or talking to yourself when other people come in, just good manners. Am knitting the cutest scaf on the planet, it has cables placed stratigically to look like XOXOXO. I'm making it in gray simply soft (and for those of you that just inhaled sharply that i'm using acrylic, keep in mind that my yarn budget is nil) kind of as a rough draft. But I kinda like it in gray, so I think I'll send it to my aunt, she could use an XOXO scarf. It's about 4 inches long though, so I have some work to do on it first. Good thing it's not horribly cold up north yet, so I still have some time to work on it....i hope

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dads home!!

Dad finally arrived at home yesterday evening, and its been strange having a man in the house. Its nice to have him back though, this morning we went to wal mart to get the oil changed in my car, and while we were waiting we went to the mcdonalds that is at the front of the store. And he's met my favorite (ok, only) boyfriend for about 10 seconds last night. But we're all going out to dinner in about 3 1/2 hours, so they'll really get to talk then. I'm still deciding what i want to wear and wishing my sweater was finished. But since I'm lazy and busy, it's not even close. I haven't even picked up the stitches i dropped on my sock because i can't find my crochet hook and i'm too tired to come up with another way to do it. I'll do it eventually, but for now the project has ground to a halt. I should probably be reviewing A&P stuff, or working on english papers, but like i said earlier, i'm too tired and too lazy today. I'm sitting around in a huge t-shirt from my junior year in high school and my skinny pants (which finally fit) and my fuzzy ugg boots. When the dinner hour starts getting closer I'll go get pretty, and put on normal clothes and makeup and do something with my hair, but for now...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Mom in England at EPCOT Posted by Picasa


OMG y'all, I have the biggest freakin test in my A&P career tomorrow and I'm so not prepared. I have to know almost all 206 bones and their markings, can we say screwed? Mom and I are going to make the drive up to school to study the actual set of bones (they're plastic, but they're 3-D) that is in the library. Thank goodness for the library, they're totally saving my behind here. I know I shouldn't be this nervous, there are only 50 questions on the test, but with my luck it would totally be the 50 that i'm not sure of, so i'm going to be sure on all of them. Its funny, most people have problems memorizing the skull bones, but I'm having issues with everything else. So I'm going to live A&P today, until my man comes over, and then i'll go soak in the hot tub, and then we'll come back to the apartment, and he'll help me study some more. Because he has really no choice, because I will be dedicated dammit. And I will only make out for short little periods, because I must do well on the A&P test. And no knitting until tomorrow, which is the part that hurts, since my sock is getting so big and developed, it almost looks like a sock now!! Unfortunatly somewhere in there i dropped a stitch, and it's laddered for like 5 rows, so i have to find my crochet hook and fix it before I can go any further. Either that or I've gotta get creative with another solution, because i can't keep knitting it with a dropped stitch, it'll just keep going. Oh well, I'll have to work on it tomorrow before the test, to calm my nerves, sort of. It worked last time, sort of, I passed at least. Ok, enough blogging from me, must get back to studying.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Since I'm sure that the 4 people that read this are probably dying of suspense as to how my evening meeting the parents went, I figured I'd post now. Though it may be a bit presumptious to assume that 4 people read this thing on a regular basis enough to know that I met his folks tonight (in case you missed it, scroll down and read the post below this one first) but I'm gonna write about it anyway. He came and got me right after he got off of work (is it odd that I find him very attractive in his uniform?) and I met his mom and dad while he took a quick shower. His mom is totally sweet, and his dad is very funny and laid back. Then we went to the fair thingy at his grandmas church, where i met his two sisters and his three nephews. His nephews are soo cute, they're the sweetest little things ever. After about 15 minutes of walking around I got handed his 5 month old nephew who seemed to pick up on my baby hug needing vibes, because he was just my cuddle buddy for the rest of the night. It's been so long since I've held a baby, I forgot how much I missed it. His oldest sister had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to lose control, and I realized how much of an empty shell person I had become. But I feel myself starting to come back, tonight was definatly a good night. Hopefully today will be just as wonderful.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Meet the Parents

Tonight I will meet the people that raised the wonderful man I'm dating, and I'm starting to get a little nervous. But I know I'll be fine, I've never had parents hate me yet. But just to be sure, I've planned my outfit carefully, actually styled my hair and put on full make up. Now if I could just decide which pieces of jewelery to wear, I'd be all set. Am considering sneaking into mom's room and grabbing her gold studs to wear tonight. She told me I could have them, I just haven't gotten around to claiming them yet. But I've got about 2.5 hours before he even gets off of work, so I have a while to decide. The cat took a shower with me this morning, not by choice of course. But she needed a good shampoo, it was time. So now she smells pretty and looks much better. She's out on the "lanai" sulking and soaking up the sun, she sure does love it out there. Well, gotta get going, think I will work on my sock to try and relax myself.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Rain and Disney

What is it with my luck lately? The last two trips I've taken to Disney have had lousy weather. Mom and I drove up yesterday and encountered freezing temps of 78 (leave me alone, its a long way from the 97 i'm so used to), gray skies and random dribbles of rain. But it sure did warm up sometime during the day, because the sweatshirt mom had to buy for me at the entrance came off, and i was glad i had worn a tank top. We stayed for the "Mickey's not so scary Halloween party" and though we didn't realize when we got there that it was that night, we improvised costumes. Mom found a hat that was awesome, and we both got t-shirts. Mine has the 3 ghosts from the Haunted Mansion that supposedly go home with the unsuspecting tourists, and moms has the mayor from Nightmare Before Christmas. So we went as spirits, i suppose. I wanted to get mickey mouse ears and go as a tourist (since now we live here), but I'll settle for being a spirit tourist. It was fun, they had a great parade, excellent fireworks, oh and did i mention the tons of candy they were handing out? I have soo much chocolate, some of it good, some of it nasty. White chocolate crunch bars?? Totally gross, hate white chocolate, not overly fond of crunch bars, the combo....totally gross. Been busy studying for A&P, learning the bones of the body is no small thing, when not studying for the test on Wednesday, have been spending time with my bf, usually in the pool/spa. Dad should be home this week, which is very exciting, he can go do the stuff with mom that I don't want to do. And now I have someone to get lost with around town. I won't be the only one in my family that has no idea how to get anywhere!! A very exciting concept.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Big News

I can now officially say that my Boyfriend and I had an interesting evening last night. He told me he had something to ask me at the beginning of our evening, which was at about 7, he finally got around to asking me at 11 something. It was funny, I've had people ask me out on a date, but never if I would be their girlfriend. I usually just assumed that after a few successful dates that I was, but whatever. I had already started calling him "my boyfriend" in my mind, so it worked out fine the way he did it. We went for a lovely walk around the apartment complex walking path thingy, and then said good bye down in the parking lot (where the bugs were eating me alive) and we made it official. I wonder if it's presumptious to ask him to go to my friends wedding with me. She's getting married in April or May I think, and I don't want to go stag. I hate going stag to stuff like this, and I'm going to be a complete basket case through the whole thing, I could use a cooler head, someone who doesn't know anybody there. Unlike my mother and father who have known her since before she was born. But the wedding will be in Michigan, and it seems like it might be kind of soon in the relationship to be asking someone to travel to Michigan for a week. Oh well, I still have about 6-7 months to worry about it, never know. I do know that I'm enjoying my time alone right now, PMS is not a good week for me. Sometimes I want him here all the time and him never to leave, and then I don't want to talk to him, don't want to see him, nothing. Horomones suck. Oh, and I'm knitting a kitty egg roll to go along with my kitty won ton. They're sooo cute, will upload pics as soon as computer stops being evil.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Drive In

Went to my first drive in movie tonight with my favorite man. We saw the Wallace and Grommet movie, so cute, won't probably see it again, but it was cute. Then we came back to my shared apartment, and he got to witness my mother while she's waking up. He had to work really hard to keep from laughing, she's kind of a zombie when she first gets up, can't say I blame him. So we just sat around for a while and relaxed and watched a movie and then he had to leave. Oh, and I almost forgot, mom and I got to meet Frank from Trading Spaces!!! He's soo funny and charming. Mom brought him one of the quilts she's made and he ooh'd and ahh'd over it during his whole presentation. Ok, i'm tired, going to bed now. Good night y'all

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Cool pic of my dad standing on top of one of the dunes back in MI. Posted by Picasa

Loong day

Its been a really, really long day (just in case you haven't figured it out from the title of this post). My favorite man in town has just figured out that I've been sharing little tidbits about him and myself on here. He doesn't care though, just for the record. I finally got a comment on my last post, and it was a good one too. I appreciate the comment, you go girl! I started work on my sweater sleeves from you know where again yesterday while waiting for the man mentioned above to call. I could kick myself for making both at once, but at least this way they'll both be the same length. The sock is coming along too, i think I'll go to knitting group tomorrow night and they can help me pick up the stitches for the gusset. Had yet another test in A&P, this time in lecture (thank goodness) which means multiple choice, which hopefully means that i've passed. But because of the test today we didn't find out how we did on our lab practical, oh well. The next practical is in two weeks and it's on all of the bones, and i do mean just about all the bones. Including the bones of the skull, of which there are a ton!!! I'm doomed I tell you, doomed! Oh well, hopefully will be going out again this evening, had a wonderful date last night, hopefully will have one again this evening. I feel bad for the poor guy though, we've only been dating in person for about a week he's gonna have to deal with PMS right away. Because guess what, it's here this week! He'll live though, I don't get that grouchy, I cry about everything and crave chocolate. Not too bad, it could be worse.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sorry Folks

I'm sorry, it's been forever since I posted, and I know all of the 3 people that read this are probably getting upset with me. Its been a busy few days, the dad countdown has offically begun, only 11 days until his last day with the park service. So about 13 days until he is here, live and in person! A&P is making me want to yank out every single hair on my head slowly and one at a time, and English makes me want to set myself on fire. It's not a good semester, can you tell? But on the bright side, my lovely date buddy is entirly too adorable for words. Hopefully we will soon make the transistion from "the person i date" to "my bf/gf..." I could live with being called someones gf again. It's been a while, and i'm not sure the last guy counts. I haven't been knitting at all the last four days, because i'm trying to get my hands to look a little less swollen. They looked like cartoon hands before, puffy and swollen, not fun. But you can tell that i have knuckles now, its a start. I'll start again soon though, I'm going insane without my projects. Lets see, what else. Oh yes, none of my pants fit anymore, in the good direction, meaning they're all getting too big. Ah the advantages of the third floor, i knew there had to be at least one. As soon as I can get the digital camera to up load to the computer I'll post pictures from MGM trip last weekend. But for now, thats it for me.

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