Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Friday, January 27, 2006


I have been sadly neglegent of the blog as of late. I'm so obsessed with reading other peoples, that i forget i have my own, oh well, such is life. I've recently gotten a job at my all time favorite lys (ok, so its the only one i know, but it still rocks) and plan on taking full advantage of my 25% off. Last night was Stitch n' Bitch, and I worked until 8 which left me an hour to stitch and chat with the regulars. I am going to be forever grateful to the wonderful woman who showed me why my sock has 3 "ladders" on each of the joined sides and how to correct it. And also the the other wonderful woman who showed me how to do "magic loop" knitting, which is way cool. I can't seem to get my needle to want to co operate, so I went on Ebay and found a 36 in sz 1 Addi Turbo circular for (you ready for this? Brace yourself) $8. Including shipping! How lucky is that? I also snagged a Bryspun 29" sz 8 circ for $8 something including shipping! My one piece cardie is currently living on that particular needle and I'm loving how light it is. I'm going to invest in several sizes of those, I have a feeling that they will become my afghan needles. Don'tcha just love Ebay?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Knitting (what else)

Ok, I've passed into the realm of insanity. I'm trying to knit two pairs of socks at once, one on a really tiny circular and one on dpns. One pattern is working out, one is not. Thats where the insanity part comes in, it's the second time i've ripped out on this sock (the first time i wanted the dpns it was living on for the other sock) and this time i've screwed up the pattern, but i don't know how. And it just looks gigantic, so I think I'll be dragging out the other set of dpns, then the circ will be free and I can start with the other ball of sock yarn!! I am a genius after all. Then I will have two self patterning socks and verigated yarn with interesting knitting pattern. Doesn't get much better than that, or can it? In fact, it can. I've got four gorgeous colors in Cascade 220 waiting to be knit into a one piece, top down cardigan. And I'm terrified of it, especially the striping pattern thing. I'm thinking broad stripes of the three main colors (a salmony pinky color, mossy green and beige) with smallish stripes of the beautiful cream in between. Any suggestions more than welcome, someone Please comment and HELP!!!!! I'll promise to even post a picture of what I'm talking about so you fully understand why I can't figure it out. That and I'm the least desisive person I know, my poor future children will have their name changed 20 times before I finally choose one for good. And I'll spend the rest of their life wondering...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year

Sorry it's been so long, didn't think anyone actually read this thing. But I got a comment!!! Yay for me! Completed the pair of socks I was knitting in the last post, mom fell in love with them and insisted that they must be hers. So I gave them to her, and then promptly stole them back from her after 5 days of them sitting in her drawer. My beautiful first pair of socks (each with botched attempts at grafting toes) should see the world, as much as they can through my shoes that is. But I refuse to have them sit in a drawer and never get loved (yes, I know it's sad, but I'm feeling very maternal about the socks, they're my first). Slight problem...they're itchy as all get out. I wore them for about 20 minutes to the grocery store and was being driven insane for the first 10 minutes, but then again, i've never worn hand knit socks before. Ever. Must be something that takes getting used to, I'm willing to get used to it, since I have 3 more balls of sock yarn sitting in my knitting bag. And my hands hurt too much to knit damn it. So of course I made another fuzzy foot (see above comment about hands), the other one has 3 rows...thats it. But they're pretty pink, the pretty red ones may be banished to back of the closet. But I think I'm going to felt them a little further and re shape them so I can give them to someone else with my foot size, yes i know it's pathetic. But really, how many sock/slipper things can one girl have? Shouldn't I share the wealth? By the way, am completely in love with Cascade 220 or whatever it is...totally gorgeous, and so many colors.

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