Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Thursday, August 31, 2006


I have a question about cotton socks. Living in FL, wool socks can be somewhat warm (slight understatement, feet furnances is what they become). I have purchased some cotton sock yarn and was wondering how to approach the cast on, more or less sts? Fewer or more rows of ribbing, entire leg ribbed? Any suggestions welcome, any warnings even more welcome. Please help! They are for my loving mom for Christmas (so i can steal them back when she doesn't wear them ever).

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I was going to...

I was going to tell you more about those socks that were in the last post (the dangling ones), but i discovered a horrific weak spot in the yarn that made a do over nessecary. I still haven't quite recovered and am actually quite angry for the yarns obvious lack of respect. Needless to say, they are no longer WIP, they have been relegated to the former over the door shoe rack i keep sock yarns in (and boy do i get some weird looks for that one).
I was also going to show you my nifty magic loops socks, but these got to take a little visit to the frog pond. The heel flap was too short, as was the leg. And to top it all off they were waay too tight. So i've restarted them using my usual 12 inch circular. I would take pictures of them, but due to extensive cleaning of the downstairs, the digital camera is MIA (missing in action). I have no idea where it went, but until i find it the blog will be sadly pictureless. I can tell the one person who reads this thing is just devestated, i promise to look for the camera and take pictures.
In the same line as the above "I was going to.." i was going to show you the Sophie bag i finished (and felted) the other day. I'm not too sure about this bag, its a great pattern, very clear and well written. But my numbers turned out pretty drastically different, i was supposed to finish with 70 stitches and finished with 64 or something like that. I know i followed the directions, and placed markers in the proper spots and didn't forget decreases or was odd. Anyway, it's done and a bit smaller than i thought it would be. It's worth doing another one to find out though. This one was just a trial run anyway..

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Drama, Drama, Drama

It has been an evening of drama, went to a baseball game with the loving bf and his grandma. Kind of a lousy game, but the atmosphere was good (and loud). It was on our way home that drama struck hard. It started with my car stalling at a stop light (its an automatic...they don't stall unless something is wrong), it was restarted only to promptly stall again. We barely made it to his house, when the hood was popped it was immediatly obvious that something was amiss. Needless to say, loving bf drove both me and his grandma home and my car got to stay in his driveway.

In knitting news...
I have finished these:

Yarn: Opal Petticoat color number 1246
Pattern: My standard sock pattern
Thoughts: I'm not thrilled with these, I have a feeling that they will end up being Christmas gifts, my only question now is for who?

I've been working on another pair (or three, but the others are upstairs, and I sadly am not). Heres a picture of my other SIP (sock in progress)

These are Online Supersocke 100 that i got on Ebay (anyone else totally addcited?). You can't really see it in the picture, but they've been doing this really cool flashing thing around the leg, hopefully i can get it to repeat for the foot and for the second sock.

I leave you with a picture of my kitty admiring the sock. Ok, so maybe she thought it was a toy, and maybe she bit it after i had snapped the picture, but it's still cute :p

Sunday, August 13, 2006


I would like to apologize in advance for the possibility of this post being totally error ridden. My new toy is a laptop and the keyboards take some getting used to (especially when your desktop has an ergonomic keyboard). The cat is very leary of the new creature on "her" bed, but was willing to snuggle ujp in my lap as i typed an e-mail last night. Then again, she let the bf pet her without trying to bite his hand off after 10 seconds...maybe she's sick. Anyway, back to knitting, there isn't much to report, got some interesting new 10" circulars from a website i can't remember. They'd be amazing if the joins didn't suck, i'd use a different word, but there isn't one. They suck. It takes so long to coax the stitches over this sucker that most of my time is spent doing it. And of course i ordered 2 of the things, so now i'm stuck with two sets of joins that are terrible. And I know i'll use them, thats the sad part. 2 needles (bad joins or not) doubles the amount of christmas sock knitting i can get done. But i won't be ordering any more, thats for darn sure. Pictures in the next post, i don't have any on here yet so i can't even throw in a random one, sorry. :-(

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