Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Step Away From the Wool and Nobody Gets Hurt

I'm being oddly possesive of this particular projects worth of yarn, I don't want anyone else to touch it's beautiful christmas redness. I'm also terrified that instead of the beautiful blunted toe as seen in the pattern will end up looking appropriate for one of Santa's little helpers again. Can I see a picture of an amataur fuzzy foot please? That way I can know if I'm just following the directions to get screwed up results alone, or if there are a group of us. The foot of this still looks impossibly long. And I've been knitting the thing so long now that I have to sit here and stare at the decreases to see if it's a knit or decrease round...even though I just finished either knitting all the way around or decreasing. I'm losing my mind slowly but surely. It was bound to happen sooner or later I suppose. But I'm keeping this thing on my circs for as long as is earthly possible, I hate (and I'm using the word Hate here) the size 10.5 dpns I purchased at my LYS. They're impossibly long and the ends are sooo blunt that it's hard to work with them. But I am determined, nothing is going to keep me from fuzzy foot bliss. They will both be done and felted before thanksgiving, so I can bring them to my grandma's house and say "see, look what I did all by myself, you suck!!" Ok, so maybe not say that, but I'll be thinking it, after the dog sweater fiasco where she acted like I've never picked up knitting needles and ended up making most of the damn thing for me. It's not my fault I've never knit a real sweater, doggie or otherwise. My poor bf (who is coming home tonight instead of tomorrow..YAY!!) has officially figured me out. He and I were talking online last night, and instead of asking what i was doing he said "still knitting on the slipper eh?" I guess my reply's weren't coming very fast, which is usually a sure indication as to my knitting activity. If i could figure out how to type well with my toes...well, not going there. And will someone please explain to me where the time has been going the last two days??? One minute it's never going to be noon and the next second I look at the clock and it almost is. Help!!!


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