Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Friday, November 11, 2005

Cutest Hat Ever

While stranded at my grandmothers house for this whole week, i found the most adorable baby hat pattern ever!! I'll post pics of it asap, but for now y'all just will need to take my word for it. I'm at my grandmothers house for this week because she and her boyfriend went on a cruise, which means that for a whole week, I'm within 15 minutes of the school i only attend twice a week. Oh well, at least it gets me out of the apartment, but it's been bad for my waistline. Good thing I haven't seen a whole lot of my loving bf, because I know he doesn't care, but it bothers me. Actually, I really miss him, and its even worse because he's upstate hunting right now. And he won't be back until next Sunday, and I haven't seen him since the 8th (our 1 month anniversery) when he came up to see me. It's gonna be a loong 12 days, but it gives me a chance to ditch the spare tire that has taken up residence around my middle while i've been alone (eating out every day). And I've decided to start some basic training with her dog, to have something to do. We're working on not dragging me around the block, and sitting and staying. Well, I'm going to work on my hat now, I want to get a few finished so mom can give them out at work.


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