Socks "R" Us
The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).
About Me
- Name: mckyfan
- Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Still writing to nobody?
Am I still writing to the infinate blankness that is the internet? I'm going to assume I am and that none of my friends that I've e-mailed the address to this thing have checked it out yet. But it's ok, we're all busy. Today, for example, I'll be busy knitting on Tasha (the bag I'm knitting for those who are coming in late) in my pajamas until at least 1 in the afternoon because I have nowhere to go and no one to see. That and I have to do laundry and the pj's are so I don't have to hang around the apartment naked while all of my clothes are in the washer/dryer. Not like it would matter if i did really, nobody here but me and Friskie, and she doesn't care. But I'd freeze, our AC is turned down to arctic temperatures (ok, ok so it's what?) and if I steal Friskie's blanket..well, it's just not worth it. Well, gotta get going on that busy schedule of mine, hopefully I'll be able to finish the back (or front, they're the same) of Tasha..will post pictures if i can get the thing to lay flat, damn stockingette stitch :)
Monday, August 29, 2005
I feel real loved...not. All of my friends really need to log on and read this damn thing so I'm not doing it for grins and giggles (which lets face it, is why I started the thing in the first place.) And if you're a friend and have taken the hint, please comment so I have something to read other than my own words coming back to haunt me (writers remorse, can't help hating everything I write 2 hours after I've written it, is the major reason I don't really proofread papers.) Well, I'm very proud of myself, thus far i haven't frogged any of the parts of Tasha! A very big step for me, I rip everything out if a stitch looks crooked (no Crazy Aunt Purl, you're not alone in that, I do it with everything) or my edges aren't perfect. It drives my mother and my friends insane, they always think it looks fine, but I know it's lousy. I could have dropped half of my stitches and they'd say it was perfect, so I just ignore them and frog it anyway. My inner knit critic always is pushing for a good frogging session, you know the inner knit critic, the little evil shit that sits on your shoulder and points out all knitting imperfections no matter how tiny. Anyway, enough about the demons within, time to go check on dinner and start the side stuff. And as a side note to my friends that actually know me in person if they're reading it, yes I do too know how to cook without opening a box or a can. And quit laughing that hard y'all, you're gonna hurt yourselves for no reason. ;)
A note about the puppy
This isn't my dog, she's a sweet little Yorkshire Terrior (or Yorkshire Terror depending on your viewpoint on small dogs) that belongs to some good friends of mine (for picture of children of said good friend scroll down to the Christmas tree pic). My Bacji (polish for Grandma, and no, I don't really care if I don't spell it right, thats how I spell it, it works) knit it and didn't know who to give it to, so I told her that my friends have a teeny little 3 pound dog that's freezing in the MI winter, even inside. She felt so bad for her that she sent this little sweater. And it looks adorable on her, as soon as I learn to make them she's getting a ton from me so she can stay warm in style!
Allrighty then
I've just posted pictures of my beautiful bag...well, the peices that I've made anyway. And hey! Guess what!! I didn't screw up the bottom part, I can read and follow directions!! Ok..whew, glad I got that out of my system before class. Now all I have to figure out is how in the hell to change the time so it isn't almost 4 hours behind the time I'm actually posting at. I'll get it, eventually. Today is going to be a bannar day for posting pictures, I'm actually planning on posting a few more before the day is over, so if you like seeing pictures on a blog, this is the day for you. Just for the record, the one of my cat (who is disgustingly spoiled) on the pink stripey blanket on the red chair, I know the blanket clashes with the chair, but it's her blankie (formerly my blanket, she stole it, told you she was spoiled.) Plus she sleeps on the chair regardless, so better she get cat hair on the blanket than the chair I suppose. But she's very territorial of the blanket, when I use it because I'm cold she sulks around until I put it back..seriously. And when i "borrow" it she follows me around and settles on me whenever I sit still long enough, it's better for my sanity to just let her have it (she's spoiled, not stupid, she knows exactly how to get what she wants). Anyway, moving on from my spoiled and smart kitty just in time for me to leave for class. And just so you know, because I'm just sure that you're completly interested in not only my cat, but my personal whining too, I'm leaving the house at 12:15 to go to a class that doesn't start until 2, figure that one out. Hopefully the traffic won't be horrible and I can get to school in under an hour, but I'm not holding my breath over it. Wish me luck, I need all the help I can get.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Bag Update
I'm sure it's probably not very interesting to read an update about a bag that I haven't even that the decency to post a picture of yet, but I'm getting there. And I've got a top cable and a half done today, add that to the bottom portion that I knit yesterday on the wrong size needles...grr, and I've got a top cable and a half done. I still can't believe that I knit the entire bottom portion on the wrong size needles, granted, it's only 16 stitches wide and 9.5 inches long, but still! I can't use it because it's going to be too small compared to the sides, and I have limited quantities of this yarn. Hopefully it'll be enough, so far so good. I promise to try and post pictures tomorrow, if I don't then I'll blame it on school. Just as I blame my lack of correspondence on school, so if you're one of my many friends that I haven't e-mailed in forever, can this count? Please?
Well, it's been a long day (in case you didn't deduce that from the title of my post). Mom and I went to a really large Jo-Ann Fabrics and stayed for about 2.5 hours. I was really good and didn't add to my yarn stash, they didn't have anything I wanted anyway. I did pick up a knitting needle measuring thingy so I can know what size my circular needles are for sure before I start using them for a project instead of just trying to guess like I've been doing. I've also started knitting a very nice bag out of some beautiful purple wool that I picked up from my favorite LYS. Don't know where the camera is, so I can't post pictures yet, but once I find it I will. I'm in love with this wool by the way, all I've ever knit or crocheted with are synthetics, so this is totally different. But it's different in a good way. I was going to use the yarn for a sweater, but I needed to buy 10 skeins of it at $7 a skein (thats including tax and is rounded up, but still) and I don't have a job yet, so my sweater will have to wait until after Christmas. And since the dye lot will probably be different by then, I'll just use the 2 I've got for this bag. If I need more they're holding some for me (have I mentioned that I love my LYS?) Well, it's almost tomorrow, so I should get going.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Epic first post (again)
Ok, it's now hates me. This is my second attempt at this blogging thing, my first one was apparently erased. Which baisically means that I've had to start all over again, lucky me. Oh well, at least the hurricane is probably not going to dump half a foot of water in my backyard, thats good news. Haven't gotten much knitting done yet, tried to do a version of the 5 1/2 hour baby sweater yesterday, but something wasn't right, so I quit while I was ahead. Did manage to get all of my knitting needles sized and written down, so now I know exactly what I've got, and apparently I'm woefully lacking circulars...hey good reason to stock up! Well, gotta go study A&P now, hopefully I can stay awake, that book is the new cure for my insomnia.