Socks "R" Us

The stories of a person hopelessly addicted to knitting socks (and a few other things).

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

I am officially a nursing student! Took me forever but i was finally accepted into a private nursing school. I am currently employed as a photographer with Sears and am enjoying capturing memories for strangers :-p

Monday, August 29, 2005

Allrighty then

I've just posted pictures of my beautiful bag...well, the peices that I've made anyway. And hey! Guess what!! I didn't screw up the bottom part, I can read and follow directions!! Ok..whew, glad I got that out of my system before class. Now all I have to figure out is how in the hell to change the time so it isn't almost 4 hours behind the time I'm actually posting at. I'll get it, eventually. Today is going to be a bannar day for posting pictures, I'm actually planning on posting a few more before the day is over, so if you like seeing pictures on a blog, this is the day for you. Just for the record, the one of my cat (who is disgustingly spoiled) on the pink stripey blanket on the red chair, I know the blanket clashes with the chair, but it's her blankie (formerly my blanket, she stole it, told you she was spoiled.) Plus she sleeps on the chair regardless, so better she get cat hair on the blanket than the chair I suppose. But she's very territorial of the blanket, when I use it because I'm cold she sulks around until I put it back..seriously. And when i "borrow" it she follows me around and settles on me whenever I sit still long enough, it's better for my sanity to just let her have it (she's spoiled, not stupid, she knows exactly how to get what she wants). Anyway, moving on from my spoiled and smart kitty just in time for me to leave for class. And just so you know, because I'm just sure that you're completly interested in not only my cat, but my personal whining too, I'm leaving the house at 12:15 to go to a class that doesn't start until 2, figure that one out. Hopefully the traffic won't be horrible and I can get to school in under an hour, but I'm not holding my breath over it. Wish me luck, I need all the help I can get.


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