I have been sadly neglegent of the blog as of late. I'm so obsessed with reading other peoples, that i forget i have my own, oh well, such is life. I've recently gotten a job at my all time favorite lys (ok, so its the only one i know, but it still rocks) and plan on taking full advantage of my 25% off. Last night was Stitch n' Bitch, and I worked until 8 which left me an hour to stitch and chat with the regulars. I am going to be forever grateful to the wonderful woman who showed me why my sock has 3 "ladders" on each of the joined sides and how to correct it. And also the the other wonderful woman who showed me how to do "magic loop" knitting, which is way cool. I can't seem to get my needle to want to co operate, so I went on Ebay and found a 36 in sz 1 Addi Turbo circular for (you ready for this? Brace yourself) $8. Including shipping! How lucky is that? I also snagged a Bryspun 29" sz 8 circ for $8 something including shipping! My one piece cardie is currently living on that particular needle and I'm loving how light it is. I'm going to invest in several sizes of those, I have a feeling that they will become my afghan needles. Don'tcha just love Ebay?